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í þessari grein fjalla ég um nafngiftir lampa eins og tíðkuðust í Evrópu. Þessar hefðir eru enn virtar og notaðar við framleiðsluna í dag.
Fyrsti stafur er glóðarspenna eða straumur, annar og þriðji lýsa hvers konar element eru í lampanum og númerið lýsir sökkulgerð og eiginleikum. Þetta er sótt m.a. á Wikipedia
t.d. ECC82 hér er með 6.3V glóð, tvær smásignal tríóður og er með 9BA sökkul
ECL81 væri 6.3V glóð, smásignal tríóða og pentóða í sama húsi og með 9BA sökkli. (9-pinna)
EL34 er þá lampi með 6.3V glóð og einni pentóðu og verandi með octal sökkul.
GZ32 væri þá afriðilslampi (tvær díóður) með 5V glóð og octal sökkli
Fyrsti stafur: glóðarspenna eða straumur
- A 4V AC
- B 180mA DC
- C 200mA AC/DC
- D 1.4V or less (normally 1.4V) or 2.8V/1.4V series/parallel filament
- E 6.3V, or 12.6V/6.3V series/parallel heater; usually AC
- F 12.6V
- G Formerly 5V (often used for rectifiers) or later miscellaneous
- H 150mA AC/DC
- I 20V
- K 2V DC
- L 450mA AC/DC
- M 1.9V directly heated
- N 12.6V, indirectly heated
- O Cold cathode (by 1955 this also included semiconductors as these had no heater)
- P 300mA AC/DC
- Q 2.4V indirectly heated
- S 1.9V indirectly heated
- T 7.4V
- U 100mA AC/DC
- V 50mA AC/DC
- X 600mA AC/DC
- Y 450mA AC/DC (replaced by L, to allow Y to be used for professional transmitting, microwave or industrial tubes)
- Z Cold cathode and/or gas-filled tubes
Stafir þar fyrir aftan: Type(s) of device(s)
- A Low-current diode
- AA Low-current double diode with separate cathodes
- B Low-current double diode with common cathode
- C Small-signal vacuum triode
- D Power triode
- E Small-signal tetrode
- F Small-signal pentode
- H Hexode or Heptode (of the Hexode type)
- K Octode or Heptode (of the Octode type)
- L Power tetrode, beam tetrode or power pentode
- M Tuning indicator
- N Gas-filled triode or thyratron
- P Tube designed for secondary emission
- Q Nonode (also called Enneode)
- S TV sync oscillator
- T (Deflection-controlled) beam tube, or miscellaneous
- W Gas-filled halfwave rectifier
- X Gas-filled fullwave rectifier
- Y Halfwave rectifier (power diode)
- Z Fullwave rectifier (double power diode)
Númerin: Base type and serial number
- 1-9 Pinch-type construction valves, mostly P8 bases (P base, 8-pin side-contact) or European 5-pin (B base) and various other European pre-octal designs.
- 10–19 8-pin German metal octal, G8A
- 20–29 Loctal B8G; some octal; some 8-way side contact (exceptions are DAC21, DBC21, DCH21, DF21, DF22, DL21, DL21, DLL21, DM21 which have octal bases)
- 30–39 International Octal (IEC 67-I-5a), also known as IO or K8A
- 40–49 Rimlok (Rimlock) B8A All-glass miniature valves
- 50–59 „Special construction types fitted with bases applicable to design features used“; mostly locking bases: „9-pin Loctal“ (B9G) or 8-pin Loctal (B8G); but also used for Octal and others (3-pin glass; Disk-seal; German 10-pin with spigot; min. 4-pin; B26A; Magnoval B9D)
- 60–64 All-glass valves fitted with 9-pin (B9G) bases
- 65-69 Sub-miniature all-glass valves with or without bases
- 70–79 Loctal Lorenz an all-glass wire (fly-leads in place of pins) subminiatures
- 80–89 Noval B9A (9-pin; IEC 67-I-12a)
- 90–99 „button“ B7G (miniature 7-pin; IEC 67-I-10a)
- 100–109 B7G; Wehrmacht base; German PTT base
- 110–119 8-pin German octal; Rimlok B8A
- 130–139 Octal
- 150–159 German 10-pin with spigot; 10-pin glass with one big pin; Octal
- 160–169 Flat wire submins; 8-pin German octal
- 170–179 RFT 8-pin; RFT 11-pin all glass with one offset pin
- 180–189 Noval B9A
- 190–199 B7G
- 200–209 Decal B10B
- 230–239 Octal
- 270–279 RFT 11-pin all glass with one offset pin
- 280–289 Noval B9A
- 300–399 Octal
- 400–499 Rimlok B8A
- 500–529 Magnoval B9D; Novar
- 600–699 Flat wire-ended
- 700–799 Round wire-ended
- 800–899 Noval B9A
- 900–999 B7G
- 1000- Round wire-ended; special nuvistor
- 2000– Decal B10B
- 3000- Octal
- 5000- Magnoval B9D
- 8000- Noval B9A